Monday, July 28, 2008
My little American Girl
FAO Schwartz
Free is a very good price
This is the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera- such beautiful music. A true classic, Ryan got to see it again here on Broadway and loved it.
One of maybe 3 or 4 pieces of art we recognized at the Metropolitan museum of art. Was it just me or did they just hate my toddler running around that place? Not as much as the sales-people at SAKS 5th Ave hating her swinging on the $3k dress. All I said was "Where is that child's mother!"
Washington square park. Do you recognize the 'Arch de Triumph' (something like that) from "I am Legend" or "August Rush"? We enjoyed a free concert there while Maisie made friends playing at the playground.
Our little family at Governer's Island. It was so quiet and peaceful there- I nearly forgot we were just a 5 min ferry ride from the city. We loved the free live music and activites there.
In more detail-
On Thursdays several Broadway musicals are showcased at Bryant park where the stars sing a few songs from their shows (Maisie and I met friends and had a great time doing this last week), the Bronx Zoo on Wednesdays (we went twice before the heat of the summer kicked in!), NY Philharmonic plays in different NYC parks all summer- we saw and heard them in Central Park, free children's crafts in some NYC parks (Maisie made a bracelet at one), Live! with Regis and Kelly was free and so fun for me to see since I am such a fan, Ryan has a pass from American Express so all the museums in NYC have been free to see (if you haven't seen the Museum of Natural History, get to NY and see it!!! Unreal.); we just saw the Metropolitan museum of art, Governer's Island gives a free ferry over to the island and free concerts which we enjoyed this weekend, along with free kayaking, canoeing and row boating, and much much more.
On top of all the leisure activities I have also run into people giving away free stuff in the streets- oh come on now, I'm playing it safe. For example, Maisie and I went to go pick Ryan up from work and a truck was passing out free bottles of a new flavored vitamin water- so we got 3. Last weekend a booth at Governor's Island was giving out free water bottles (perfect timing since I've lost TWO this summer) and free bottled water as well. Another day we passed by an M&M's truck, so I wandered over to find them giving away as a promotion free M&M ice cream bars (I stripped Maisie down to diaper only and let her have at it. On a sunny NY day out on the street she made quite the mess!). Another morning we found weight watchers single serve ice cream being handed out- of course we helped ourselves. And my favorite, is outside the ABC studios a truck sits giving free coffee and bagels out, as a promotion of their brand "Chock full o nuts" so I got a free sausage egg breakfast sandwich. I know, I know, this place really is a paradise for me!!!
These are just some pictures of recent free adventures!:)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Best show on earth
Ryan and I have seen some great Broadway shows here in NYC, but the greatest show I've seen so far was a group of dancers out at the Statue of Liberty. Can't you just hear "this land is your land, this land is my land" as the kids stretch their arms out. They just danced their little red-white-and blue hearts out for us. Maisie LOVED it, as she tapped her foot and spun around in circles.
Runner in Training
Mother-In-Law Visit
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th of July - New York style
As you can see by her smile, Maisie loved the experience. Also, if you look really closely you will see policeman on top of the Nathan's building in the background. I have never seen hotdogs taken so seriously :)
We had a great time wandering around Coney Island (for about an hour), we decided we had seen enough and will probably never return, especially to go to the beach. This is what the beach looked like.
As you can see, even Maisie could help but get caught up in the excitement.
When the fireworks started, Maisie was on Ryan's lap, she got nervous and moved onto my lap, then got nervous again and moved onto the lap of our friend, Selena. She finally felt comfortable, so she settled in and watched the rest of the show with her.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Third wheel
One of my favorite things we do here in the city is on Fridays Maisie and I walk down Riverside park. It is long and narrow and begins near where we live. It is covered with playgrounds and has a great view of the river we enjoy for several miles. We stop at playgrounds and then meet Ryan for dinner somewhere in Midtown Manhattan. We call it date night, and we call Maisie the third wheel. Cutest wheel we've ever seen though, so we're ok with it:)