Sunday, June 29, 2008


As of this weekend, Ryan is half done with his internship. I realized this at church today and started to feel a little panicked. We still have so many things we want to see and do while we are real New Yorkers (I'm sure many New Yorkers would be offended that we think we're locals even though we're only here for 3 months). We feel pretty urgent about it all because if we come back to American Express, we are pretty sure we will not be city dwellers. Ryan would probably commute from New Jersey, so this is probably our only chance to be so close to so many great things.

My mom came into town a couple weeks ago, so we made a special effort to scour the city, looking for fun. Here are pictures of a few of our adventures:

This is Maisie wearing a Macy's hat in Macy's on 34th street.

We live 2 blocks away from Grant's Tomb, so we thought we'd go investigate who is actually buried there...

Here's Mais playing at the foot of Lady Liberty - she really liked having some grass to play in (there really was a lot, I don't know why she chose to sit in the one patch of dirt.)

Here's the whole family under the Statue of Liberty - one of our favorite trips so far!!

Here's Katharine, Maisie, and I at Belvedere Castle in Central Park (a great Sunday afternoon stroll)

We live just blocks away from Columbia University, here is a picture of the library at the center of campus.

I'm still a week or so behind on what's going on with our lives, but at least I'm a little more caught up - we are really happy to be where we are and are loving all the adventures.


Heidi and Matt said...

Malya, it just looks so amazing out there! So much fun and such great memories for you guys! Maisie is just adorable! Love all the pics and the update!

Brittany said...

it seems like summer is moving at light speed, doesn't it? i'll have to send you the address of one or two restaurants i really liked to eat at when i was there. just to add a few more things on your list of things to do. i'd love to take you to those places myself...but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.

Bingham Family said...

Look like you guys are having a blast! I don't blame you for wanting to see every thing you can.